STPI Researcher Attended PICMET 2024 Engaged with International Scholars on AI Management and Innovative Applications 2024.09.05

The STPI sent a representative to the Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET 2024) conference in the U.S. in August, where the STPI researcher presented a paper entitled “The Generation of Hybrid Feature-based Research Topics Using Text Mining and K-means Algorithms for Government Science and Technology Projects”.  The core theme of PICMET 2024 is "Technology Management in the Artificial Intelligence Era," focusing on how to effectively manage and utilize technology in the age of artificial intelligence (AI).

(Above) 6 keynote speeches were arranged in PICMET 2024

Through its participation in the conference, STPI not only showcased its research capabilities in AI, but also demonstrated the role in assisting the government with science and technology policy making to researchers around the world.  STPI also highlighted its key achievements in government-commissioned programs about AI. Additionally, the exchange with international scholars allowed STPI researcher to absorb and integrate valuable research experiences, fostering further exploration into the effective management of AI and its innovative applications.

(Above) Dr. Dundar F. Kocaoglu, the President and CEO of PICMET, gave welcome remarks during opening reception

The application of AI is rapidly changing our world.  AI is ubiquitous in all sectors including education, healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture and transportation, performing various tasks to help humans achieve greater success in their work.  With the rapid transformation of the economy, industry, and society, how to effectively manage these technologies has become a significant issue.  STPI researcher obtained a great deal of insights into the latest AI application cases from PICMET 2024, explored the best practices in technology management, and discussed with international scholars on how to manage multiple issues simultaneously, including technology, economy, society, politics, environment, law, and ethics.

(Above) Exchanged insights with international scholars during the Conference

In addition, the Conference also emphasized on how to establish safeguards to prevent AI from being intentionally or unintentionally misused, ensuring it does not cause harm to the society.  Technology alone cannot solve all problems, but its involvement is essential in the problem-solving process.  The Conference provided valuable knowledge and insights that could be applied to STPI’s future research tasks, helping to better manage and use technology to ensure it becomes part of the solution rather than the source of the problem.
